Development of Weblog as Learning Resource of Coordination System for Student in Senior High School
Learning Resource, WeblogAbstract
This study aims to develop a weblog-based learning resource on the coordination system for students in senior high school and to describe the quality of the weblog. This study used a 4D model which is limited only to the define, design, and develop stages. The research sample was 30 class XII IPA MAN 2 Palu students who had completed learning the coordination system in class XI. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The result of the study is a weblog that consists of a homepage menu, video menu, handout menu, evaluation menu, download menu, reference menu, and chat box menu. Weblogs were considered very feasible by media experts, material experts, college students, teachers, and students. It can be concluded that the weblog is considered very feasible as a learning resource for students. This is evidenced by testing the 19 students who use a weblog in learning. Based on the results, there is a strong positive effect of using weblog-based learning resources on student learning outcomes.
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