REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development <p style="text-align: justify;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img style="float: right; width: 294px; margin-top: 8px; margin-right: 10px; border: 1.5px solid #184b80; margin-left: 10px;" src="" height="382" /></a><strong><span style="color: blue;"><span style="font-family: Duepuntozero;"><span style="font-size: x-large;">REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO</span></span></span></strong>: <strong><em><span style="color: blue;">Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development</span></em></strong> is a peer-reviewed journal published by <span style="color: blue;">the Civil Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Tadulako University. <span style="color: black;">The journal publishes research articles or original literature reviews covering all concentrations in the fields of Civil and Applied Engineering including Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Water Resources Management, and Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Management, Construction Project Management, and other applied sciences related to the engineering field. Articles submitted for publication in the journal must have never been published by other media or journals and are free from plagiarism. It is a six-monthly journal, open-access and published in collaboration with <em>t</em><em>he Indonesian Society for Geotechnical Engineering, Regional Commissariat of Central Sulawesi</em>, and <em>Indonesia Transportation Society, Central Sulawesi. </em></span></span></p> <p style="text-align: left;"><span style="color: blue;"><span style="color: black;"><strong>pISSN:</strong> <strong><a style="text-decoration: none;" href=";1594081665&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="color: blue; font-family: Duepuntozero; font-size: x-large;">2723-3472</span></a></strong> <strong>eISSN</strong>: <strong><a style="text-decoration: none;" href=";1601163793&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="color: blue; font-family: Duepuntozero; font-size: x-large;">2746-1033</span></a></strong></span></span><br /><span style="color: blue;"><span style="color: black;"><strong>DOI: </strong><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="color: blue; font-family: Duepuntozero; font-size: large;"> </span></a><strong>Frequency: </strong><span style="color: blue; font-size: large;">2 issues per year</span><strong><br />OAI: </strong><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="color: blue; font-family: Duepuntozero; font-size: large;"></span></a><span style="color: blue; font-size: large;"> </span></span></span></p> <p style="text-align: left;"><strong><span style="color: blue;"><span style="color: black;">Editor in Chief: <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="color: blue; font-family: Duepuntozero; font-size: large;">Dr. I Gede Tunas</span></a></span></span></strong></p> Tadulako University en-US REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development 2723-3472 Perbandingan Biaya dan Waktu Erection PCI Girder dengan Crawler Crane dan Gantry Launcher (Studi Kasus: Jembatan Soran Proyek Jalan Tol Solo – Yogyakarta – Nyia Kulon Progo Seksi 1 Paket 1.2) <p>The infrastructure growth in Indonesia, particularly on the island of Java, has surged significantly up to the year 2024, one of which includes the Trans-Java toll road project. The aim of this development is to boost the country's economic growth and streamline transportation. A part of the Trans-Java toll road project that is still under construction is the Solo – Yogyakarta – NYIA Kulon Progo Toll Road Project, which connects the cities of Surakarta and Yogyakarta. The construction of the Solo – Yogyakarta – NYIA Kulon Progo Toll Road in Section 1 Package 1.2 is planned to traverse several terrains. For instance, at STA 22 + 767, it will cross the Soran River. Therefore, a bridge needs to be built at STA 22 + 767. The planning of the PCI girder erection method needs to be reviewed, especially for the Soran Bridge, as the initial plan to use the gantry launcher method requires further assessment in terms of time and implementation costs. Hence, an alternative method, the crawler crane, is needed for comparison. From the analysis of time and cost comparisons between the two methods, namely the Crawler Crane method and the Gantry Launcher method for the erection of the PCI girder at the Soran Bridge, the analysis results are as follows: The productivity of equipment using the Crawler Crane method is 0.75 units/hour, and for the Gantry Launcher method, it is 0.19 units/hour, making the productivity faster with the Crawler Crane method. In terms of implementation time based on the analysis, it is 9 days for the Crawler Crane method and 20 days for the Gantry Launcher method, making the implementation 55 percent faster using the Crawler Crane method. Regarding the implementation cost of each method based on the cost analysis, including the procurement and installation of PCI girders, it is IDR 9,219,795,750.00 for the Crawler Crane method and IDR 9,967,224,600.00 for the Gantry Launcher method, making the Crawler Crane method more cost-efficient by 7.49 percent.</p> R.A. Suci S.A. Wibawa A.A. Firdausi H.A. Safarizki Copyright (c) 2025 REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 1 12 10.22487/renstra.v6i1.698 Analisis Struktur Hotel Menggunakan Metode Direct Displacement Based Design <p>Palu City is one of the areas prone to earthquakes, as evidenced by the earthquake incident on September 28 2018, buildings in Palu city should be analyzed due to seismic loads and based on structural performance. One of the performance-based analysis methods is the direct displacement based design (DDBD) method. The direct displacement based design method is an seismic analysis method that makes the performance target as an initial reference for seismic load design. The design structure in this paper is a 12-storey hotel structure and located in Palu City, using a special moment resisting frame system, with the quality of the concrete material, f'c = 35 MPa, reinforcement fy = 420 MPa for main reinforcement and 280 MPa for shear reinforcement. The seismic load generated from the DDBD for the X direction is 6986.61 kN and for the Y direction is 6132.91 kN. From the loads acting on the structure, it is found that the safe dimensions of the elements are using column dimensions 800/800, main beam 700/500, and the plate thickness is 140 mm.</p> F. Amir M. Sutrisno M. Agung T. Sakti Copyright (c) 2025 REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 13 22 10.22487/renstra.v6i1.732 Analisis Durabilitas dan Penuaan Asbuton Pracampur dengan Variasi Lama Rendaman <p>Economic growth. Most of the existing road surface layers in Indonesia use Flexible Pavement. The fundamental problem in road construction is road damage before the planned age is reached, the factors that cause road damage can be caused by the influence of weather and water, causing asphalt aging and durability of road pavement to be damaged. The purpose of this study was to determine the Durability and Aging of Pracampur Asphalt Buton (ASBUTON) with Variations in Soaking Time by conducting experiments conducted in the laboratory through Marshall Test testing with reference to the general specifications of bina marga 2018. Short - Tern Aging (STOA) test specimens were made by heating the specimens in a loose state at 135<sup>o</sup>C for 4 hours before compaction, while Long- Tern Oven Aging (LTOA) test specimens were made by heating the specimens for 2 days at 85<sup>o</sup>C after the specimens were compacted. Durability parameters of AC-WC mixtures were observed from the residual strength index (IKS), first durability index (IDP) and second durability index (IDK). Based on the premixed asbestos mixture in the AC-WC layer, the optimum asphalt content (KAO) of 6.25% was obtained. The IKS of Normal, STOA, and LTOA specimens were 98.97%, 98.21%, and 97.69%, respectively. Furthermore, the IDP of Normal, STOA and LTOA specimens obtained r values of 0.7%, 0.11%, and 0.15%, respectively. While the IDK of Normal, STOA and LTOA test specimens obtained values of 1.53%, 2.64% and 3.41%, respectively, while the SA value of Normal, STOA and LTOA test specimens at 48 hours immersion is 98.47%, 97.36%, and 96.59%, respectively. After 48 hours of immersion at 60<sup>o</sup>C, it tends to decrease or lose strength for all test specimens and conditions. The STOA test specimen at 48 hours of immersion experienced a significant decrease of 89.83% so that it did not meet the specifications specified in the 2018 Bina Marga Specification of 90%.</p> S. Katjo A. Isdyanto Copyright (c) 2025 REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 23 28 10.22487/renstra.v6i1.711 Analisis Penjadwalan Waktu Pekerjaan Pada Proyek Jalan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Pantoloan Menggunakan Linear Scheduling Method (LSM) <p>A construction project is a temporary activity with a specific end goal. One of the crucial things in the construction process is work scheduling, this is because it can affect the duration and cost of the project. In the context of scheduling, methods such as Block Charts, S-Curves, Network Diagrams, and Balance Line Diagrams/Linear Scheduling Method (LSM) has been around for a long time, but in its application the scheduling method should be adjusted to the characteristics of the project to avoid losses in development. The LSM method is considered appropriate for work that is repetitive in nature. This research aims at analyzing time scheduling for road projects in the Pantoloan Special Economic Area (SEA), Central Sulawesi, using Linear Scheduling Method (LSM). The purpose of this research is to determine the comparison of scheduling and budget plans between the LSM and project methods existing. Data collection consisting of primary data and secondary data was obtained by direct observation in the field and interviews with related parties. Then a scheduling analysis is carried out with assistance software. From the research results on the scheduling of the Pantoloan KEK Road Section Handling Project in Palu City using the LSM method, the completion time was 47 days. Meanwhile, in the initial planning, a completion time of 60 days was required, so there was a difference of 13 days. The project budget plan using the LSM method obtained IDR 2.321.225.151,01. Meanwhile, the initial project budget plan is Rp. 2,365,900,000.00 so there is a cost difference of Rp. 44.674.849.- By looking at the comparison of time effectiveness, scheduling using the LSM method is more effective and efficient.</p> A. Asnudin R. Ramlan P.A. Ganiya Copyright (c) 2025 REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 29 36 10.22487/renstra.v6i1.683 Pengaruh Pencampuran Serat Serabut Kelapa Pada Tanah Lempung Terhadap Nilai CBR dan Kuat Geser <p>This research aims to investigate the influence of coconut fiber incorporation on clay soil in terms of its California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and shear strength. The study involved collecting clay samples from a specific location and blending them with varying percentages of coconut fibers. Laboratory experiments were carried out to assess the CBR and shear strength of both untreated clay and clay mixed with different fiber fractions. The laboratory results revealed an improvement in CBR from the original clay value of 5.59% to 6.1% with 0.2% fiber addition, 6.64% with 0.4%, and 7.34% with 0.6%. These results indicate a consistent increase without any decline. Additionally, the shear strength test showed a 0.2% improvement, with the optimal shear strength achieved at a 0.2% fiber composition, reaching 1.0588%. The inclusion of coconut fibers significantly enhanced the CBR of the clay. The study also identified the optimal fiber fraction required to maximize CBR improvement. Moreover, the addition of coconut fibers boosted the shear strength, making this method useful for civil engineering projects such as road stabilization, foundation reinforcement, and other construction activities in areas with clay soil. This study highlights the potential of coconut fibers as a cost-effective and sustainable reinforcement material for clay soil in civil construction, offering both economic and environmental benefits to the construction industry</p> B. Damara Copyright (c) 2025 REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 37 44 10.22487/renstra.v6i1.713 Analisis Debit Air Limpasan Permukaan Akibar Perubahan Tata Guna Lahan Pada Daerah Aliran Sungai Bangga <p>Surface runoff is rainwater that cannot be retained by soil, vegetation or basins and eventually flows directly into rivers or the sea. The amount of surface runoff determines the amount of damage caused by erosion and flooding. The amount of surface flow is influenced by rainfall, vegetation (land cover), the presence of water storage buildings and other factors. Damage to watersheds can cause various disasters, namely floods, droughts and landslides. The Bangga watershed has an area of 61,0561 km2 and has a river length of 20.7 km. Das Bangga has also experienced flash floods and mudflows in 2019 which caused 500 houses to be flooded and residents died after being washed away by the flood. The purpose of the study was to calculate runoff in the Bangga River watershed using the SCS-CN method. In this study the data used is secondary data, namely Rainfall data taken from the Upper Bangga and Lower Bangga stations and Land Use Maps and Soil Type Maps. The period of secondary data used in 2018-2021. Land use and soil types are analyzed from land use maps and soil type data obtained. Map analysis was carried out using ArcGIS Software by making an overlay between the land cover map and the soil type map. The second result of this analysis is the area of each type of land use and soil type hydrology group and its distribution in the Bangga watershed. Based on the results of the analysis, the runoff using the SCS method obtained the maximum result in 2019 of 29,222 mm with a runoff volume of 1.784.155,751 m3, and the minimum runoff in 2018 of 0,072 mm with a runoff volume of 4.375,573085 m3. The occurrence of Land Use changes, climate change and human treatment of the environment can affect runoff.</p> V.W. Andiesse I.W. Sutapa I.G. Tunas Copyright (c) 2025 REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 45 54 10.22487/renstra.v6i1.700 Analisis Potensi Likuefaksi Dengan Alat Swedish Weight Sounding di Desa Tompe Kecamatan Sirenja Kabupaten Donggala <p>In 2018 in Indonesia there has been an earthquake of 7.4 on the richter scale. The epicenter was on land around Sirenja district, Donggala regency, Central Sulawesi. The impact in some areas there is liquefaction of these areas, namely Petobo village and Balaroa village and also subsidence in Tompe Village this study aims to determine whether the soil in segment II of Tompe village has the potential for liquefaction based on the results of Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR) &amp; Cyclic Resistance Ratio (CRR) analysis and based on the results of Tsuchida grain distribution graph. Samples in this study amounted to 10 points by field testing using Swedish weight sounding tool to obtain the value of Nsw (n/m) correlated to the N-SPT data and analyzed by the CSR &amp; CRR equation to obtain the value of the safety factor (FS). The results obtained with the range of FS values are for the potential 0.13 – 0.98 and not potential 1.06 – 1.72 and based on the results of grading the grain to get the value for the potential 70.31% - 95.87% and not the potential 0.39% - 6.62% from the results of the 2 methods it is concluded that Tompe village based on the value of FS 50% has the potential for liquefaction and based on the Tsuchida graph 85.78% has the potential for liquefaction.</p> H. Setiawan M. Sutrisno Y. Hasanah A. Rizal A. Kurniawan A.N. Qhalbi S. Gayatri Copyright (c) 2025 REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 55 62 10.22487/renstra.v6i1.693 Pengaruh Metode Pelaksanaan Terhadap Kinerja Waktu Proyek Rekonstruksi Jembatan di Kota Palu <p>The bridge reconstruction project is an effort to rebuild bridges that have been destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami that hit Palu City. The implementation of the bridge reconstruction project has complicated work that raises an analysis of the effect of the bridge project implementation method on project time performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of implementation methods on the time performance of the bridge reconstruction project in Palu City. The sample of this study amounted to 22 workers on the bridge reconstruction project using Purposive Sampling method. The field collection process was carried out by collecting primary data in the form of interviews and distributing questionnaires. The data were processed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that partially of the five variabels affecting the implementation method, the material factor variabel has a significant effect on the time performance of the bridge reconstruction project. While simultaneously work methods, labor, material factors, equipment, and project site conditions have an effect of 8,988 with a significant 0.000 on the variabel time performance of the bridge reconstruction project in Palu City.</p> F. Fahirah T. Hilmansyah Z. Salsabila Copyright (c) 2025 REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 63 72 10.22487/renstra.v6i1.724 Studi Pengaruh Penambahan Abu Batu Sebagai Pengganti Pasir Pada Beton Mutu K-250 <p>The handling of stone ash waste from the by-product of the Quarry C crushed stone factory with the number of factories along the Palu-Donggala road has not been handled properly until now. The potential for utilization for building materials such as lightweight concrete, paving blocks and rosters as well as fillers for asphalt concrete mixtures and rigid pavements at airports is still large to be developed. Based on this, stone ash waste can be used as a building material to build structures and infrastructure. However, the characteristics of the basic materials and building materials made from stone ash waste must be re-tested. The analysis was carried out on the results of the concrete compressive strength test (SNI 03-1974-2011), which is a comparative analysis of various conditions of the age of the test object and the percentage of stone ash addition to the weight of fine aggregate obtained from the laboratory. The addition of stone ash as a partial replacement for fine aggregate can increase the compressive strength of concrete by up to 9.64% compared to the compressive strength of normal concrete. The optimum level of stone ash addition as a partial replacement for fine aggregate occurs at a variation of 20% stone ash from the weight of fine aggregate. The compressive strength of 28-day concrete that occurs in this variation is 23.590 MPa, while the compressive strength of concrete without the addition of stone ash is 21.515 MPa. The compressive strength value of concrete with 50% rock ash content has the lowest compressive strength value of 21.137 MPa, where there is a decrease in the compressive strength value of 1.75% compared to the compressive strength value of concrete without the addition of stone ash..</p> H. Listiawaty S.A. Namira M. Aryasin M. Muhajir S.W. Martani Copyright (c) 2025 REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 73 80 10.22487/renstra.v6i1.712 Karakteristik Kuat Geser Tanah Dengan Tanpa Akar Vegetasi Pada Lereng Ruas Tawaeli -Toboli <p>The contribution of vegetation to slope stability is based on hydrological and mechanical aspects. The effect of vegetation on the hydrological aspect is to reduce soil water content through transpiration, interception and evapotranspiration. And the mechanical influence of vegetation is through strengthening the roots in the soil. Water absorption by vegetation varies depending on age and density, rainfall factors and soil type. Cohesion (c) and friction angle () are soil shear strength parameters. In soil that has vegetation roots, it will form a composite material, namely the root-soil model, there is an increase in cohesion value with the presence of roots, this is what is called apparent cohesion (c'R). Several parameters that are believed to influence the shear strength of the soil and roots will also be studied, namely the physical properties of the roots, namely diameter, type of root/vegetation, and water content. For mechanical properties, namely the tensile strength of the roots, the shear strength parameters of the soil both without and with roots, namely cohesion, apparent cohesion and internal friction angle. The type of vegetation reviewed in this research is elephant grass with fibrous roots. The results obtained indirectly by increasing the value of cohesion and angle of friction in the soil due to the presence of roots influence/increase the shear strength of the soil. The volume of roots in the soil greatly influences changes in the cohesion value or angle of friction of the soil. As the root volume decreases, the shear strength value decreases, the shear strength parameter also decreases. In this study, the change in soil shear strength values in sandy soil conditions, the increase in cohesion value was not as significant compared to the change in friction angle values.</p> M. Martini I.W. Sutapa S. Ramadhani Copyright (c) 2025 REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 81 86 10.22487/renstra.v6i1.715