Jurnal Riset Pendidikana Mipa
<p><img style="float: left; padding-right: 30px;" src="https://new.jurnal.untad.ac.id/public/site/images/dkwalanda/cover-jrpm2021small3.jpg" alt="Cover JRPM 2021" width="90" height="162" align="left" /></p> <ul> <li><strong><span style="color: #ff6600;">Jurnal </span><span style="color: #2f0062;">Riset Pendidikan MIPA</span></strong></li> <li><strong>ISSN <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1483974864">2549-0192</a> (Electronic); ISSN <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1483974399">2549-0184</a> (Print) </strong></li> <li><strong>The Jurnal is published biannually (June and December)</strong></li> <li><strong>Co-Editor: Prof. Daud K. Walanda, PhD.; Dr. Dasa Ismaimuza, MSi.<br /></strong></li> </ul> <p align="justify"> </p> <p> </p> <div id="content"><hr /> <div id="focusAndScope"> <p style="color: #083a6f;" align="justify"><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Jurnal</strong> </span><strong><span style="color: #2f0062;">Riset Pendidikan MIPA</span></strong> (JRPM) is an open-access journal published by Universitas Tadulako - Palu, Indonesia. The JRPM is published biannually (June and December) which aims to publish the latest research results from university academics and education, other practitioners at all levels of education, especially in the field of mathematics and natural sciences education which includes the scope of research on mathematics education, chemistry education, physics education, biology education as well as environmental education.</p> <hr /> <div id="sectionPolicies"> </div> <div id="peerReviewProcess"> <div id="publicationFrequency"> <div id="openAccessPolicy"> <div id="archiving"> <div id="publicationFee"> <div id="copyrightlicense"> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>FKIP Universitas Tadulakoen-USJurnal Riset Pendidikana Mipa2549-0184Application of the Realistic Mathematical Education (RME) Approach to the Operational Material of Addition of Fractions to Increase Activities and Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Students
<p>This study aims to describe the application of the RME approach in increasing student activity and learning outcomes in the material for adding fractions for class V SD Inpres 3 Birobuli. This research uses classroom action research (PTK) which refers to Kemmis and Mc.Taggart Data collection techniques used were tests, observations, interviews, and field notes. The results showed that the application of the RME approach could increase student learning activities and results in the material for addition operations for class V SD Inpres 3 Birobuli by following the steps of the RME approach; (1) understand contextual problems, (2) explain contextual problems, (3) solve contextual problems, (4) compare and discuss student answers, and (5) conclude problems. This research was conducted in two cycles. The results showed that there was an increase in activity and learning outcomes which were seen in the observation of teacher activity in the very good category, student activity in the very good category, student activity in the very active category, and student affective learning outcomes were good. habits, and psychomotor learning outcomes of highly skilled students in cycle II. Likewise, the results of students' final tests with a percentage of learning completeness of 85% in cycle II.</p>Arni ArniNurhayadi NurhayadiDasa Ismaimuza
Copyright (c) 2023 Arni Arni, Nurhayadi Nurhayadi, Dasa Ismaimuza
2023-06-302023-06-307111310.22487/j25490192.2023.v7.i1.pp1-13Improving Students' Independent Learning Outcomes and Science Through Discovery Learning
<p>This study aims to improve student learning outcomes and independence through discovery learning in science subjects. Class action research methods. In the pre-action, there were 5 students (26.3%) who had fulfilled the KKM and there were 14 students (73.7%) who had not. In cycle I there were 10 students (52.7%) who fulfilled the KKM and 9 students (47.3%) who did not. Student independence was obtained by 12 students (63.16%) with sufficient criteria. and 7 students (36.84%) in less criteria. In cycle II there were 15 students (78.9%) who fulfilled the KKM and 4 students (21.1%) who had not, obtained student independence, namely there were 7 students (36.84%) with good criteria, there were 10 students (52.63 %) was sufficient, and there were 2 students (10.53%) lacking. The percentage of students who scored above the KKM in cycle I was 52.6% and cycle II was 78.9%, this shows that the discovery learning method was able to improve students' science learning outcomes.</p>Zubair MatamayJamaludin M SakungAfadil Afadil
Copyright (c) 2023 Zubair Matamay, Jamaludin M Sakung, Afadil Afadil
2023-06-302023-06-3071141810.22487/j25490192.2023.v7.i1.pp14-18The Effect of Combined Problem Based Learning and Scaffolding Models on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability
<p>This study aims to determine the effect of Combined problem-based learning and scaffolding models on students’ critical thinking ability at SMP Negeri 21 Palu. This type of research is a quasi experiment. The research was conducted in two class groups: class VII and class VIII B as the experimental class. The data collection technique uses purposive sampling. The main instrument used was the 7th-grade of critical thinking essay test which consisted of 8 questions. Data were analyzed by a non-parametric test. It is the Wilcoxon test signed ranks test. Obtained the results that Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) is 0,000 on the critical thinking ability test, H1 is accepted, this means that there is a significant effect of the combined problem-based learning and scaffolding models on the critical thinking ability of students at SMP Negeri 21 Palu in the 2019 / 2020 school year.</p>Dyah WidyawatiMohammad JamhariGamar Binti Non Shamdas
Copyright (c) 2023 Dyah Widyawati, Mohammad Jamhari, Gamar Binti Non Shamdas
2023-06-302023-06-3071192510.22487/j25490192.2023.v7.i1.pp19-25Application of the STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model Based on Real Experience in Improving Student Learning Outcomes in Science Learning Subjects of Movement in the Movement of Animals and Plants in Junior High Schools
<p>The research method uses the Hopkins model design which consists of 4 stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Data collection techniques using observation and test methods. The results showed that the percentage of student activity in cycle I was 69% (enough), increased in cycle II to 88% (very good), the percentage of teacher activity in cycle I was 72% (enough), increased in cycle II to 91% (very good). Good). Likewise with the assessment of student learning outcomes; the percentage of attitude evaluation in cycle I was 87% increased in cycle II to 90%, evaluation of the realm of knowledge in cycle I for Classical absorption (CA) 74% and Classical Learning Mastery (KKB) 83% increased in cycle II to Classical absorption (CA) 80% and Classical Learning Mastery (PKK) 93%, the assessment of the domain of skills in cycle I was 69% increased in cycle II to 94%. Based on these results it can be concluded that the application of the STAD type cooperative learning model based on real experience can improve the learning outcomes of class VIII students in learning science on the movement of animals and plants at SMP Negeri 1 Tombusabora Sindue.</p>Irsan IrsanMohammad JamhariMursito Bialangi
Copyright (c) 2023 Irsan Irsan, Mohammad Jamhari, Mursito Bialangi
2023-06-302023-06-3071263410.22487/j25490192.2023.v7.i1.pp26-34The Implementation of Lesson Study in Teaching Mathematics in Region 3, Cluster XI South Palu
<p>This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, which aims to describe the application of Lesson Study in mathematics learning to teachers and students in Region 3 Cluster XI Palu Selatan. Lesson Study is effectively applied in learning mathematics. This can be proven from the results of interviews which explain that the application of lesson study in learning mathematics can be understood by most of the teachers who are members of the 3 Cluster XI area of South Palu. In addition, the results obtained in the activity plan are lesson plans, media used in learning, learning modules, and observation sheets. In the activities carried out there are three important activities, namely the activities of the teacher carrying out mathematics learning in mixed arithmetic operations, observers observing learning, and students in learning. In the listening activity, the model teacher starts the discussion by conveying his impressions, experiences, opinions about the implementation of the learning he has carried out.</p>Renawati RenawatiMustamin IdrisMaxinus Jaeng
Copyright (c) 2023 Renawati Renawati, Mustamin Idris, Maxinus Jaeng
2023-06-302023-06-3071354110.22487/j25490192.2023.v7.i1.pp35-41The Diffrences in Student’s Grade Point Average (GPA) Based on SBMPTN of UTBC and UTBK and External Motivation in Choosing PMIPA Majors of Tadulako University
<p>This study aims to describe the differences in student's GPAs at the Mathematics and Natural Science Education (PMIPA) Department of Tadulako University who enter through the Joint Selection to Enter State Universities (SBMPTN) pathway with the Print-Based Written Test (UTBC) in 2018 and Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) systems in 2019, describe the relationship of external motivation of students in choosing majors with GPA based on the SBMPTN (UTBC and UTBK) pathway. The samples used were all students at the PMIPA Study Program of Tadulako University who entered through the UTBC SBMPTN pathway in 2018 as many as 134 students and 130 students of UTBK 2019. There is an insignificant difference in the students' GPA through the UTBC and UTBK SBMPTN pathway. The students of UTBK have a higher GPA in the second semester than the students of UTBC, with the average GPA of UTBC students is 3.407, and the average GPA of UTBK students is 3.525. There is no relationship between students' external motivation in choosing a major against students' GPA at the PMIPA department of Tadulako University, but factors of interest and self-will influence it.</p>Ria LumbantobingMery NapitupuluRatman Ratman
Copyright (c) 2023 Ria Lumbantobing, Mery Napitupulu, Ratman Ratman