The Effect of Problem Based Learning Models with Experimental Scientific Methods and Attitudes Towards Learning Outcomes in Elementary School Students
Problem Based Learning, Scientific Attitude, Student Learning OutcomesAbstract
This study aims to describe the differences in student learning outcomes using the Problem Based Learning learning model with the experimental method and the Problem Based Learning model, to describe the differences in the learning outcomes of students who have a high scientific attitude and students who have a low scientific attitude. The research method used is quasi-experimental. The research sample was class IVA which consisted of 23 students as the experimental class and IVB which consisted of 22 students as the control class. Retrieval of data through tests of learning outcomes and scientific attitude questionnaires. The results of the study found differences in student learning outcomes using the Problem Based Learning learning model with the experimental method and the Problem Based Learning model, this is in accordance with the post test scores, namely the experimental class got an average score (75.90) while the control class (62,50). There are differences in high and low scientific attitudes, this corresponds to the average score of high scientific attitudes (82.92), while students with low scientific attitudes have an average score (73.70).
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