The Influence of Teacher's Pedagogic Competence and Professional Competence on Mathematics Learning Outcomes of High School Students in Sigi Regency
pedagogic competence, professional competence, learning outcomesAbstract
The purpose of this study was to obtain information that teacher pedagogical competence factors and teacher professional competence factors play an important role in the mathematics learning outcomes of high school students in Sigi Regency, either partially or simultaneously. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis through data obtained from the results of the pedagogical and professional competency tests of mathematics teachers and the average scores of high school students' national mathematics exams obtained at the LPMP office. The sample in this study amounted to 21 mathematics teachers from 10 public and private high schools in Sigi Regency. The results obtained show that simultaneously, the significance value (sig.) = 0.444 and the significance of the multiple regression coefficient F is 0.912 and partially for the effect of teacher pedagogic competence the significance value (sig.) = 0.929 and the F value of 0.008, while for the effect of professional competence the teacher's significance value (sig.) = 0.255 and the F value of 1.505. Taken together, teacher pedagogical competence and teacher professional competence do not affect the mathematics learning outcomes of high school students in Sigi Regency.
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