The Effect of Pedagogical, Competence, Motivation, and Work Discipline on The Performance of Science Teacher in Central Alkhairaat Junior High School
pedagogic, competence, motivation, work discipline, science teacher, performanceAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of pedagogic competence, motivation and work discipline on the performance of science teachers at SMP Alkhairaat Pusat Palu. This study uses a quantitative approach. The research subjects in this study were all science teachers at SMP Alkhairaat Pusat Palu. The research location is located at Alkhairaat Central Middle School. The data collection technique in this study used a questionnaire which involved 18 teachers. The data analysis used regression technique with SPSS version 16. The sample collection technique used purposive sample. The results showed that the results of the t-test partially had an effect on pedagogical competence and work discipline on teacher performance, but there was no effect of motivation on teacher performance. The results of the F-test show that simultaneously there is an effect of pedagogic competence, motivation and work discipline on teacher performance. So it can be concluded that pedagogical competence, motivation and work discipline have an effect on the performance of science teachers at Alkhairaat Middle School, Palu.
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