The Problem Solving Ability in Vector Addition by Using Grid and Parallelogram
Problem Solving Ability, Grid and ParallelogramAbstract
This study aims to analyze the problem solving ability of vector addition using the grid and parallelograms. The subjects of this study consisted of 26 students and 4 respondents were selected by giving tests. The selection of respondents was carried out in the form of a multiple choice test then grouped and categorized, and 2 respondents were selected each representing high and low. The data were obtained through giving tests to selected respondents and direct interviews with respondents. The test consists of four question numbers on vector material where two question numbers consist of vectors using a grid and two question numbers on vectors without a grid and after that an interview is conducted. The research data were analyzed through the Polya stage score. The results showed that students were still less able to solve the problem of vector addition using the grid. Students have a lot of difficulty at the stage of implementing the plan and checking back. This is because students make technical errors which include the inability of students to perform mathematical / calculation operations.
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