The Differences of Students’ Learning Outcomes Using Oral and Written Test on Biology Subject at Senior High School


  • Marwah Marwah Universitas Tadulako
  • Mursito Bialangi Universitas Tadulako
  • Mohammad Jamhari Universitas Tadulako



Learning outcomes, oral test, Written Test


The purpose of this study was to determine the learning outcomes of students who used oral tests in biology subjects. Learning outcomes using oral tests and written tests. The research population is students of class X MIA and XI MIA. The results of the calculation of the statistical analysis of the oral and written tests showed that in the oral test, there were 48 students in the poor category, 7 students in the sufficient category, while in the very good category, there were 0 students. In the written test, there were 33 students who received the less category, 14 students in the sufficient category, 5 students in the good category and 3 students in the very good category. The results of the Wilcoxon test calculations show that the output of the Test Statistics Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) is 0.000. Because the value of 0.000 is smaller than 0.05, it can be concluded "Ho is rejected". This means that there is a difference in student learning outcomes between those given oral tests and those given written tests in biology subjects, with the average written test being higher than the average oral test, both in class X MIA and class XI MIA.


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Author Biographies

Marwah Marwah, Universitas Tadulako

Pendidikan Sains/Pascasarjana-Universitas Tadulako

Mursito Bialangi, Universitas Tadulako

Pendidikan Sains/Pascasarjana-Universitas Tadulako

Mohammad Jamhari, Universitas Tadulako

Pendidikan Sains/Pascasarjana-Universitas Tadulako


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How to Cite

Marwah, M., Bialangi, M., & Jamhari, M. . (2021). The Differences of Students’ Learning Outcomes Using Oral and Written Test on Biology Subject at Senior High School. Jurnal Riset Pendidikan MIPA, 5(2), 48-55.


