The Implementation of Reciprocal Teaching Learning Strategies in Improving Students'Questioning and Cognitive Ability on The Concept of Human Digestive System in junior high schools
Reciprocal, Student Questioning, Cognitive Ability, Digestive systemAbstract
This study aims to apply reciprocal learning strategies to improve students' questioning and cognitive abilities on the concept of the human digestive system. Classroom action research. The subjects of this study were 25 students. The research instruments consisted of tests, teacher observation sheets, student observation sheets and assessment sheets for questioning abilities and cognitive abilities. The results of the data analysis showed that there was an increase in the ability to ask questions and students' cognitive abilities from cycle I to cycle II which affected the increase in achievement indicators of learning outcomes. Cognitive abilities of class VIIIB students. From an average of 66 in the first cycle, it increased to an average of 88 in the second cycle and reached a minimum KKM of 70. The activities of teachers and students increased from cycle I to cycle II. It can be concluded that the application of the reciprocal teaching learning strategy can improve the ability to ask questions and the cognitive abilities of Class VIIIB students of SMP Negeri 7 Palu.
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