Mushroom Diversity in the River Flow in the TAHURA Area of Palu City and its Utilization as a Learning Media
Diversity,, Mushrooms,, Learning Media,, TAHURA,, Palu CityAbstract
This study aims to analyze the diversity of mushroom species in the TAHURA watershed in Palu City and to make media posters that can be used as learning media. This type of research is descriptive research with the belt transect method. Sampling is divided into 3 stations in the TAHURA area of Palu City, along the river flow 10 Belt Transects will be made and the distance between transects is 20 m. The results of the study found 16 species belonging to 2 divisions, where in the Basidiomycota division there were 15 types of fungi and in the Ascomycota division there was 1 type of fungus. medium category or value H' = 2.57. The results of the research were used as learning media in the form of posters about the diversity of mushroom species in the TAHURA watershed area of Palu City, after going through validation by the lecturer, media validation and due diligence by 24 students who were divided into 2 groups, with an average score of the large group of 86.8 % and small group 88.3%, the results obtained are classified as suitable for use as learning media.
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